Recommended reading for Liberal Democrat councillors and local campaigners over the last seven days.
Two big political stories in the last week. The first was around the disgraced and now former Labour MP Phil Woolas being found guilty of lying in election literature.
Here’s the main initial Guardian report: Phil Woolas: A Lesson in irresponsibile behaviour, and if you’ve somehow missed a look at the disgraceful election literature that the good people of Oldham East and Saddleworth had to suffer earlier this year, here’s a look: Phil Woolas Campaign Literature. Since then, there has also been the not very ‘on message’ reaction of Labour MPs…. Mutiny! Rebellious Labour MPs launch a fighting fund for Woolas
Also dominating the news has been the issue of tuition fees for higher education. Here’s the telegraph’s take Tuition Fees: A Good Compromise. I found Jo Swinson’s article on Lib Dem Voice useful Jo Swinson MP writes on Tuition Fees.
On the day that George W Bush defended torture, Downing Street disagreed: Waterboarding is Torture: Downing Street Confirms
In local government, three stories cought our eye: Lansley: councils will have key role in helping to reduce health costs (on the public health role); Councils defy pickles and go fortnightly (on refuse collection) and Elected Police Chiefs set for 2012.
Finally, this comment in the Guardian is well worth a read. Ten Tips for the Lib Dems
Tim Pickstone