ALDC Management Committee at its meeting on 24 October 2009 agreed to “join-up” the Assocation to the 10:10 Campaign to reduce carbon emissions by 10% in 2010, and to encourage members and all Lib Dem Councillors to support the campaign.
10:10 is a broad campaign to ensure that we make positive start to reducing carbon emmissions immediately, rather than relying on long term targets alone.
Already many Councils, have signed up to 10:10 – including many Lib Dem run and influenced councils. If yours hasn’t then there is a model Council Motion (for ALDC Gold Members) here.
Everyone can sign up to 10:10, and already individual Lib Dem Council Groups have joined up, as have companies, NHS Trusts, charities, trades unions and more. Individuals can sign up too!
Here’s the individuals 10 point plan for cutting emissions:
ALDC’s Management Committee have asked the staff team to develop an action plan for the Association to reduce its own carbon footprint by at least 10% by the end of 2010. We’ll keep you updated on how we achieve this.