Nominations for the ALDC Management Committee for 2009-2010 have now closed and the following report of the Returning Officer has been issued:
Report of Returning Officer
Association of Liberal Democrat Councillors 2009-2010
At the close of nominations on 23 September 2009 the following nominations had been received. As the number of nominations does not exceed the number of vacancies there will be no need for a postal ballot of the members on this occasion:
President: Cllr Mike Storey, Liverpool
Chair: Cllr Kath Pinnock, Kirklees
Vice-Chair (2 vacancies): Cllr Mike Ross, Hull; Cllr Claire Hudson*, Mendip
Secretary: Cllr Sarah Boad, Warwickshire
Treasurer: Mike Ward, Mole Valley
Ordinary Members (10 vacancies)
Jon Burden, Hammersmith and Fulham
Cllr Sarita Bush, Hull
Cllr Stan Collins, Cumbria/South Lakeland
Steve Hitchins, Islington
Cllr Graham Knight, Mid Sussex
Cllr Isobel McCall, Milton Keynes
Richard Ormerod, North Yorkshire
Cllr Adi Smith, Hinckley and Bosworth
Cllr Jeanette Sunderland, Bradford
Cllr Chris White, Hertfordshire
Scottish Rep: Cllr Willie Wilson*, Perth and Kinross
Welsh Rep: Cllr Veronica German, Torfaen
English Rep: no nominations
* Claire Hudson and Willie Wilson were also nominated as Ordinary Member.
Bruce Hubbard
Returning Officer
Many thanks to the retiring Management Committee, particularly to Jean Crossland, Paul Sample, David Hare, Keith Whitmore and Andrew Dakers who are not re-standing this year. Between them they had over 20 years of service on the Committee which is greatly appreciated.