We can WIN in 2009 & 2010


There were three principal council elections held on the 7th August. The Tories held all three seats. There was one Parish council result reported to ALDC where the Lib Dems made a gain from Labour.


In the Maldon North ward of Maldon DC in Essex we failed to stand a candidate.

We did not stand in the Ward in 2007 and have no councillors on the council. The Greens have no councillors on the council and did not stand in 2007 but they managed to grab second place with 24% in the by-election. Surely we can do better than this.

Newsham with Eppleby is a very rural ward in Richmondshire District Council of North Yorkshire on the fringe of William Hague’s Constituency. It is a one councillor Ward that the Tories won unopposed in 2008. Despite some problems in our group in Richmondshire credit must be given for not just standing a candidate but fighting a campaign that included a Village survey, an A4 Focus an A3 Focus, Good Evening leaflet and knock up on election day.


The next two years see three key electoral tests for Liberal Democrats: in 2009 the County, Unitary and Euro Elections; in 2010 the London, Mets and local elections; a General Election at a date to be determined by the Daily Mail.

All three will be a tough challenge for Liberal Democrats, but a real opportunity to make a liberal difference in town and county halls, and in Parliament.

To win we will need:

• first class local campaigns that take advantage of the best modern techniques

• hard-working and motivated local teams

• excellent campaign strategies and plans that target to win

ALDC’s Kickstart Weekend 28th-30th November is a 48 hour programme of training and campaign planning to give you the best chance in the elections in 2009 and 2010. Using the top trainers and campaigners in the Party we will give your campaign team the skills, ideas and plans to win in 2009 and win in 2010.


Click here to book places for your team.


John Bridges

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